TA's (Teaching Assistants)

Interested in being a Theatre Assistant?

TA Training is open to all students currently in 7th-12th grade.

Join our virtual TA Training held through Google Classroom and learn about:

the various responsibilities of TA’s

the newly renovated theatre

health and safety procedures, including COVID-19 protocols

games and more

New TA Training

TA's Learning

No cost  | Virtual during the month of March and
Saturday, April 19th from 1-3 pm

Students who have completed their seventh grade year are eligible to participate in this leadership training that would allow them to be Teaching Assistants (TAs) for our summer camps and throughout the school year. TAs are responsible for leading campers throughout the building, showing support for all students, and assisting teachers in their various classes! Learn the basics through this online training and meet with Jenna Betka-Pope (Education and Outreach Manager) on Saturday, April 20th for a final interview and review of theater games!

Returning TA Training

TA's on Stage

No cost  | Saturday, April 19th
from 1-3 pm

Returning TAs will attend a two-hour in-person training session on Saturday, April 20th to learn additional theater games, have an informal interview, and regain familiarity with the building and classrooms before jumping in as a leader this summer!

Still Interested in becoming a TA?

Please contact the Education Office at 616-222-6653, ext 2 to register for the March training program.

All TA’s accepted into the program will be notified by Monday, May 5.

Participation in the training does not guarantee an offer as a TA for the summer of 2025.

If you are interested in becoming a TA, please contact the Education Office at 616-222-6653, ext 2 to register for the training program.

Teach Assistants
Teach Assistants
Teach Assistants
Teach Assistants