Frequently Asked Questions for the school of theatre arts

When does registration begin?

  • Class registration opens at 7am on Wednesday, August 21

  • Performance Block registration process begins at 8am on Tuesday, September 3

  • Summer Camp registration TBD

What are the term dates?

The term weeks run Saturday through Friday and are:

  • Fall Term: October 5 – November 21 (No class on Halloween)

  • Winter Term: January 11 – February 20

  • Spring Term: April 12 – May 22

  • Performance Block: February 15 – March 23

What is the registration deadline for classes?

The registration deadline for each class is 1 week before each individual class begins.


How long are the terms?

The fall, winter and spring term classes are all 6 weeks long.

How do I register for a class or camp?

Registration can be done online at or by contacting the education offices at 616-222-6653.  Payment is due at the time of registration.

How do I register for the Performance Block?

All students interested in participating in the Performance Block can complete a Performance Block Interest Form.  This form will be available beginning Tuesday, September 3rd.

Education Staff will review each form to make sure the student has the required pre-requisites.  If they do not, an Education Staff Member will communicate this information to families.

Education Staff will contact families in the order they completed their Performance Block Interest Form beginning Monday, October 14 with a link to register for the Performance Block.

How do I know if I have the correct pre-requisites for the Performance Block?

Please view this list of pre-requisites.  If you have specific questions, please contact education offices at 616-222-6653.

How does the wait list work?

When a class or camp is full, students can add their name to the wait list for the class or camp by contacting the education office at 616-222-6653 or by completing the online waistlist form (coming soon).

If a spot opens up for a class or camp that has a wait list, a telephone call and email (if necessary) is made to the first student on the list.  The student is given 48 hours to accept the spot and pay the tuition.  If a student declines the spot or does not respond to the communication, Civic proceeds to contact the next person on the wait list and offer them the spot.  This pattern will continue until the spot is filled.

Are the CORE classes level based?

Our Acting and Musical Theatre CORE classes are not level based.  They are grade based; designed and curriculum written specifically for a grade level.  Your student would take the class that corresponds with their current grade in school.

What is your attendance policy?

Students must attend 5 of the 6 class sessions for the class to count as a pre-requisite towards Performance Block.  Attendance in theatre class is crucial for students and absences affect not only the student who is missing, but also their classmates and fellow collaborators.  While we understand that emergencies and illness happen, we encourage students to PLAN on attending every class.  If a student misses more than 1 full class period (2 hours or 1 hour for dance classes), then the class is considered “incomplete” and will not count as a Performance Block pre-requisite.  

What is your refund and cancellation policy for classes?

In the event that the Theatre must cancel a course due to low enrollment, a full refund is issued.

If a student requests a withdrawal, on or before each individual class registration deadline, a full refund less a $10 drop fee is issued.  Withdrawals between each individual class registration deadline and the first day of class are refunded at 75% less a $10 drop fee.  Refund is forfeited if withdrawal occurs after the first day of class.  Registration and tuition are non-transferrable.

Civic Theatre staff reserves the right to implement procedures that protect the health and safety of their students and staff at any time.  In the past, such procedures have included asking students and staff to wear masks and/or test for Covid 19 if an outbreak of a contagious illness is discovered in the building.  Should those procedures be deemed necessary, Civic Administration will clearly communicate the procedures and the reasons for the procedures, and compliance may be required in order to participate.


What is your refund and cancellation policy for camps?

In the event that the Theatre must cancel a camp due to low enrollment, a full refund is issued.

If a student requests a withdrawal, on or before each individual camp registration deadline, a full refund less a $10 drop fee is issued.  Withdrawals between each individual camp registration deadline and the first day of camp are refunded at 75% less a $10 drop fee.  Refund is forfeited if withdrawal occurs once camp has begun.  Registrations and tuition are non-transferrable.

How do I find out if a class is cancelled due to weather or any other reason?

In the event that a closing must occur, students will be notified through the email given at registration and notice will be displayed both onscreen and online at WOOD-TV8 and WZZM-13.  This decision will be made by 2:00pm on weekdays, 7:00am on Saturdays and 11:00am on Sundays.

In the event that a class is cancelled, the term will be extended out 1 week.

When is payment due for a class or camp?

Payment is due at the time of registration.

Do you provide scholarships for your classes and camps?

The Grand Rapids Civic Theatre School of Theatre Arts, through the support of generous community members and foundations, is pleased to offer need-based scholarships for classes and camp.  Qualified applicants may receive up to an 80% tuition scholarship for fall, winter or spring term classes, 50% tuition scholarship for Performance Block classes and 50% tuition scholarship for summer camps.

Scholarships are limited to one class per student, per term and cannot be added retroactively.

How do I apply for a scholarship?

There are 2 things that have to be done and submitted to apply for a scholarship:

  • Complete a scholarship application, either a PDF or online.

All of this information must be received in the Education Office no later than two weeks before the start of classes.

Can scholarships be applied for online?

Yes, new this year, scholarship applications can be submitted online.  Please see scholarship page for detailed information and applications links.

Do you offer discounts for classes or camps?

We offer a discount for our Season Ticket Subscribers:

  • Season Subscriber Discount – Current season ticket subscribers receive $10 off each class, workshop or summer camp.  Please contact the Box Office for your discount code. 

What are your discount policies?

  • Discounts must be taken at the time of registration and cannot be added retroactively.
  • Discounts cannot be combined.

Can my student make up a class or camp?

Due to the nature of our programs, we are unable to offer make ups for missed sessions.  Please be sure to tell us in advance if your student will be missing any program days due to travel, illness, or other circumstances.  Please contact 616-222-6653, ext 1 to report an absence.

What is an Informance?

Each class will have an in-class, informal performance the last day of the class for family and friends.  This is an opportunity for the students to showcase what they worked on during the term.


Where do classes take place?

Classes take place at the Grand Rapids Civic Theatre, 30 N. Division Ave.  Students arrive and leave through the main lobby doors on Library Street.

Are snacks and beverages allowed during class time?

Grand Rapids Civic Theatre is a NUT FREE ZONE!  Students are allowed to have a non-nut snack in the lobby before heading up to class.  Water is the only thing allowed in the classrooms.

What should my student bring to class?

  • Students should wear shoes that cover their entire foot (no sandals, flip flops, slides, crocks are allowed).  Tennis shoes or sneakers are preferred.  No boots of any kind are allowed on the Dance Studio Floor.
  • Students should bring a water bottle to class
  • Students should bring their script (if using) and a pencil to each class

Is there a place for parents to wait while their student is in class?

At this time, we are only allowing students into the building. No parents, siblings or any other persons, other than the student, will be allowed into the building for any reason.

Vision Statement

We are committed to artistic excellence through a comprehensive arts education program which builds confidence, fosters collaboration and inspires creativity.