
Robin Hood and the Unnecessary Rescue

6th-12th Grade Performance Block Play: Robin Hood and the Unnecessary Rescue

Auditions: Saturday, February 15th from 3-5 pm
MANDATORY PARENT ORIENTATION: Saturday, February 15th from 3:00-3:30 pm

Staging Rehearsals*
February 24th-27th
Monday-Thursday, 6-8 pm

Cost $275

**No rehearsal on
Monday, March 3 &
Monday, March 10

Run-Through Rehearsals*
March 4th-13th
T/W/Th, 6-8 pm

Technical Rehearsals*
March 17th-20th
Monday-Thursday, 6-9 pm

Friday, March 21st
at 7:00 pm

Saturday, March 22nd
at 7:00 pm

Sunday, March 23rd
at 2:00 pm

Please contact the Education Office at 616-222-6653, ext 2 if you are interested in the Performance Block.


6th - 12th Grade: 2 Pre-Requisites

One-Act Performance Block: Robin Hood and the Unnecessary Rescue

MUST take any GRCT CORE Acting Class (23/24 OR 24/25), PLUS one other choice from below:

1 Year of Summer Camp (2024)

Any GRCT CORE Acting Theatre Class (23/24 OR 24/25)

Any GRCT Elective Class (23/24 OR 24/25)

Guided by a professional director, students learn a short play (30 minutes) to be performed on Civic’s Meijer Majestic Stage for a paying audience as part of the Performance Block Showcase! In Robin Hood and the Unnecessary Rescue, Sheriff Nottingham has picked another young woman he wants to marry and familiar characters like Robin Hood, Maid Marion, Will Scarlett, and Friar Tuck have a plan to halt the wedding! What a surprise when they realize that she has a plan of her own! This class is the perfect way for your child to experience the excitement of performing for a large audience in a warm, nurturing environment. Everyone who registers will be cast — do not miss your chance to be part of this exciting opportunity!

*Absences from Technical Rehearsals and Performances will not be allowed. A single absence during stage rehearsals is permissible, but highly discouraged; this may have an impact on a student’s casting in the program.

Registration deadline for the Performance Block is Thursday, January 30th.  Sorry, NO refunds will be given after the registration deadline.


2024-25 School Terms:

October 5 – November 21
(No class on Halloween)

January 11 – February 20

April 12 – May 22

February 15 - March 23

If you have questions, please call the Education Office at 616-222-6650